test edit - hello world. This manuscript (permalink) was automatically generated from manubot/try-manubot@b26ff4a on February 21, 2024.
John Doe
Department of Something: University of Whatever
· Funded by Grant XXXXXXXX
Jane Roe
Department of Something, University of Whatever; Department of Whatever, University of Something
✉ — Correspondence possible via GitHub Issues or email to Jane Roe <jane.roe@whatever.edu>.
Manubot is an open source tool for writing manuscripts on GitHub in markdown format. Manubot applies the git-based software workflow to scholarly writing, enabling enhanced transparency, collaboration, automation, and reproducibility.
This manuscript is a Manubot demo, intended to give users a playground to practice using Manubot. Everyone is encouraged to try writing with Manubot by editing this manuscript.
Manubot is described in the paper titled “Open collaborative writing with Manubot” [1].
Test my understanding
Just a paper [2]
Manubot is not described in [3].
Manubot is described in the paper titled “Open collaborative writing with Manubot” [1]. Okay
Ok attempting to do this in the correct order. test.
Test the workflow of manubot and its citation rule [4]
Lorem ipsum text [5] is a strong introduction for any manuscript.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Manubot makes it easy to cite this manuscript [6]. It has been used to write several manuscripts that are now preprints on bioRxiv [7,8,9,10]. Notice that only [9] has the correct name of the preprint server. Manubot allows authors to overwrite reference information, in this case with a BibTeX file.
Lorem ipsum also makes a strong conclusion [11] here is another reference to see if duplicate references are picked up by the program if the second author uses a different identifier for the same reference like here with the immediately preceding reference [12]. Did it work?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
I’m wondering about how editing this file works within the web browser.
Testing inserting a reference Note that some buffers can potentially introduce modifications onto proteins such as carbamylation from urea at high temperatures [13,14] .
Trying with references again [15]
The objectives of the action plan for each sector are as follows:
Development sector | Specific objectives of action plan |
Agriculture | SO 1: Recuperate and restore the fertility of degraded land |
SO 2: Improve access for farmers to high quality agricultural production factors (equipment, inputs, land, results of agricultural research etc.) | |
SO 3: Improve the resilience of stakeholders to climate change} | |
SO 4: Develop early warning systems to ensure efficient management of climate variability and change | |
Animal production | SO 1: Improve the security of pastoral activities through better dissemination and exploitation of information on pastoral resources and associated access |
SO 2: Ensure the security of animal capital with a view to supporting the pastoral economy on a sustainable basis and improve the resilience of stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable food security in Burkina Faso | |
SO 3: Reduce the vulnerability of farmers to climate change and contribute to local economic development | |
Environment and natural resources | SO 1: Increase productivity and the resilience of ecosystems |
SO 2: Improve biodiversity conservation | |
SO 3: Improve research and ecological monitoring | |
SO 4: Reduce GG emissions | |
Energy | SO 1: Reduce the impact of climate change on the energy sector |
SO 2: Ensure a sustainable supply of energy for cooking | |
SO 3: Reduce electricity consumption | |
SO 4: Gain more knowledge into the impact of climate change on the energy sector | |
Health | SO 1: Ensure leadership and governance in terms of adapting to the impacts of climate change on the health sector |
SO 2: Increase human resources in the health sector skilled in adapting to the effects of climate change | |
SO 3: Improve the early warning system and the response to climate change-related phenomena | |
SO 4: Adapt health infrastructure to the effects of climate change | |
SO 5: Improve research in the field of climate change | |
Infrastructure and housing | OS 1: Promote access to decent accommodation for disadvantaged social groups by providing rental accommodation, supporting DIY construction and building social housing stock |
SO 2: Provide public facilities and road, water and rain and waste-water drainage infrastructure which is practical and resilient through good design/implementation and good maintenance | |
OS 3:Turn the towns of Burkina Faso into hubs of economic growth and sustainable development by promoting a green economy | |
Horizontal issues | SO 1: Help to improve mastery of environmental problems and climate change by members of women's associations |
SO 2: Help to improve the resilience of members of women's associations by implementing revenue-generating activities | |
SO 3: Develop adaptation technologies which take account of the conditions in women's associations on the basis of traditional knowledge | |
SO 4: Improve the contribution of NGOs to better governance in implementing the NAP/CC in Burkina Faso | |
SO 5: Ensure the sustainability of civil society initiatives in climate change adaptation | |
SO 6: Help to improve public involvement in the process of reflection, analysis and decision-making in connection with climate change adaptation by producing, disseminating and making efficient use of information originating from innovative CSO experiences. | |
SO 7:Improve the mobilisation and exploitation of water resources* * | |
SO 8: Improve conservation and protection of water resources | |
SO 9: Improve knowledge about (surface and, more importantly, underground) water resources in the context of climate change | |
SO 10: Improve access to sanitation |
Agriculture | - Cultivate early varieties or drought-resistant crops (Short) - Apply water and soil conservation methods (stone barriers, small dikes, filtering dikes, terraces, half moons, agroforestry, dune fixing etc.) (Short) - Promote sustainable land management (SLM) (Medium) - Improve access to climate information (Medium) - Introduce agricultural insurance (Long) |
Livestock farming | - Fight bush fires in order to prevent destruction [16] of dry-season grazing reserves- Adopt best animal husbandry and pastoral practices (pastoral hydraulics, pastoral resource management, pasture mowing and conservation, pasture crops, silage, animal mobility and transhumance etc.) - Ensure stakeholders take account of climate variability in development project and programme planning by improving their skills - Preserve cattle breeding at serious risk from climate variability - Ensure farmers adopt animal production methods adapted to a hot climate |
I wonder what happens if I do hto
Great Idea!
Testing some identifier types [17] and [18] and [19]