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Module manubot.cite.doi

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import json

import logging

import urllib.parse

import urllib.request

from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

import requests

from manubot.util import get_manubot_user_agent

from .handlers import Handler

from .pubmed import get_pubmed_ids_for_doi

class Handler_DOI(Handler):

    standard_prefix = "doi"

    prefixes = [




    accession_pattern = r"10\.[0-9]{4,9}/\S+"

    shortdoi_pattern = r"10/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"

    def inspect(self, citekey):

        identifier = citekey.accession

        if identifier.startswith("10."):


            if not self._get_pattern().fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the DOI regex. "

                    "Double check the DOI."


        elif identifier.startswith("10/"):

            # shortDOI, see

            if not self._get_pattern("shortdoi_pattern").fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the shortDOI regex. "

                    "Double check the shortDOI."



            return "DOIs must start with '10.' (or '10/' for shortDOIs)."

    def standardize_prefix_accession(self, accession):

        if accession.startswith("10/"):


                accession = expand_short_doi(accession)

            except Exception as error:

                # If DOI shortening fails, return the unshortened DOI.

                # DOI metadata lookup will eventually fail somewhere with

                # appropriate error handling, as opposed to here.


                    f"Error in expand_short_doi for {accession} "

                    f"due to a {error.__class__.__name__}:\n{error}"


      , exc_info=True)

        accession = accession.lower()

        return self.standard_prefix, accession

    def get_csl_item(self, citekey):

        return get_doi_csl_item(citekey.standard_accession)

def expand_short_doi(short_doi: str) -> str:


    Convert a shortDOI to a regular DOI.


    if not short_doi.startswith("10/"):

        raise ValueError(

            f"shortDOIs start with `10/`, but expand_short_doi received: {short_doi}"


    url = f"{short_doi.lower()}"

    params = {"type": "HS_ALIAS"}

    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    # response documentation at

    results = response.json()

    response_code = results.get("responseCode")  # Handle protocol response code

    if response_code == 100:

        raise ValueError(f"Handle not found. Double check short_doi: {short_doi}")

    if response_code == 200:

        raise ValueError(

            f"HS_ALIAS values not found. Double check short_doi: {short_doi}"


    if response_code != 1:

        raise ValueError(

            f"Error response code of {response_code} returned by {response.url}"


    values = results.get("values", [])

    for value in values:

        if value.get("type") == "HS_ALIAS":

            doi = value["data"]["value"]

            return doi.lower()

    raise RuntimeError(

        f'HS_ALIAS value not found by expand_short_doi("{short_doi}")\n'

        f"The following JSON was retrieved from {response.url}:\n"

        + json.dumps(results, indent=2)


def get_short_doi_url(doi: str) -> Optional[str]:


    Get the shortDOI URL for a DOI.


    quoted_doi = urllib.request.quote(doi)

    url = f"{quoted_doi}?format=json"

    headers = {"User-Agent": get_manubot_user_agent()}


        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()

        short_doi = response["ShortDOI"]

        short_url = "" + short_doi[3:]  # Remove "10/" prefix

        return short_url

    except Exception:

        logging.warning(f"shortDOI lookup failed for {doi}", exc_info=True)

        return None

content_negotiation_url_datacite: str = ""

content_negotiation_url_default: str = ""

def _get_doi_csl_item_negotiation(doi: str, content_negotiation_url: str):


    Use Content Negotiation to retrieve the CSL Item metadata for a DOI.

    content_negotiation_url: base URL to use for content negotiation.

    Options include:

    1. The DataCite CN service <>

       Documented at <>

    2. The CN service <>

       Documented at <>


    url = urllib.parse.urljoin(content_negotiation_url, urllib.request.quote(doi))

    header = {

        "Accept": "application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json",

        "User-Agent": get_manubot_user_agent(),


    response = requests.get(url, headers=header)


        return response.json()

    except Exception as error:


            f"Error fetching metadata for doi:{doi}.\n"

            f"Invalid response from {response.url}:\n{response.text}"


        raise error

def get_doi_csl_item_datacite(doi: str):


    As of 2022-01, the DataCite Content Negotiation restricted

    service to just DataCite DOIs, and began returning 404s for Crossref DOIs.


    return _get_doi_csl_item_negotiation(doi, content_negotiation_url_datacite)

def get_doi_csl_item_default(doi: str):

    """ content negotiation redirects to the content negotiation service of

    the Registration Agency, e.g. Crossref or DataCite.


    return _get_doi_csl_item_negotiation(doi, content_negotiation_url_default)

def get_doi_csl_item_zotero(doi: str):


    Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.


    from manubot.cite.zotero import get_csl_item

    return get_csl_item(f"doi:{doi}")

def get_doi_csl_item_url(doi: str):


    Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.

    This function converts the DOI to a URL that presumably resolves to the publisher's site.

    Zotero resolves and scrapes data from the resulting webpage.


    from manubot.cite.url import get_url_csl_item_zotero

    return get_url_csl_item_zotero(f"{doi}")

def augment_get_doi_csl_item(function: Callable[..., Any]):


    Decorator providing edits to the csl_item returned by a get_doi_csl_item_* function.


    def wrapper(doi: str):

        doi = doi.lower()

        csl_item = function(doi)

        csl_item["DOI"] = doi

        csl_item["URL"] = f"{doi}"

        short_doi_url = get_short_doi_url(doi)

        if short_doi_url:

            csl_item["URL"] = short_doi_url



        except Exception:


                f"Error calling get_pubmed_ids_for_doi for {doi}", exc_info=True


        return csl_item

    return wrapper


def get_doi_csl_item(doi: str):


    Generate CSL JSON Data for an DOI.

    This function uses a list of CSL JSON Item metadata retrievers, specified

    by the module-level variable `doi_retrievers`. The methods are attempted

    in order, with this function returning the metadata from the first

    non-failing method.


    # FIXME: this function is repetitive with other get_*_csl_item functions.

    for retriever in doi_retrievers:


            return retriever(doi)

        except Exception as error:


                f"Error in {retriever.__name__} for {doi} "

                f"due to a {error.__class__.__name__}:\n{error}"


  , exc_info=True)

    raise Exception(f"all get_doi_csl_item methods failed for {doi}")

doi_retrievers = [






On retreiver ordering

1. get_doi_csl_item_default: try DOI metadata first as per the Registration Agency's Content Negotiation.

2. get_doi_csl_item_url: scrape data from the website where the DOI resolves.

3. get_doi_csl_item_zotero: use Zotero translation-server to get DOI metadata.

   Placed last since it's unlikely to work when get_doi_csl_item_default fails,

   since it also uses content negotiation.

get_doi_csl_item_datacite is not included because as of 2022-01 it only works for DataCite DOIs,

and get_doi_csl_item_default ends up redirecting to this endpoint for DataCite registered DOIs.




On retreiver ordering

  1. get_doi_csl_item_default: try DOI metadata first as per the Registration Agency's Content Negotiation.
  2. get_doi_csl_item_url: scrape data from the website where the DOI resolves.
  3. get_doi_csl_item_zotero: use Zotero translation-server to get DOI metadata. Placed last since it's unlikely to work when get_doi_csl_item_default fails, since it also uses content negotiation.

get_doi_csl_item_datacite is not included because as of 2022-01 it only works for DataCite DOIs, and get_doi_csl_item_default ends up redirecting to this endpoint for DataCite registered DOIs.



def augment_get_doi_csl_item(
    function: Callable[..., Any]

Decorator providing edits to the csl_item returned by a get_doi_csl_item_* function.

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def augment_get_doi_csl_item(function: Callable[..., Any]):


    Decorator providing edits to the csl_item returned by a get_doi_csl_item_* function.


    def wrapper(doi: str):

        doi = doi.lower()

        csl_item = function(doi)

        csl_item["DOI"] = doi

        csl_item["URL"] = f"{doi}"

        short_doi_url = get_short_doi_url(doi)

        if short_doi_url:

            csl_item["URL"] = short_doi_url



        except Exception:


                f"Error calling get_pubmed_ids_for_doi for {doi}", exc_info=True


        return csl_item

    return wrapper


def expand_short_doi(
    short_doi: str
) -> str

Convert a shortDOI to a regular DOI.

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def expand_short_doi(short_doi: str) -> str:


    Convert a shortDOI to a regular DOI.


    if not short_doi.startswith("10/"):

        raise ValueError(

            f"shortDOIs start with `10/`, but expand_short_doi received: {short_doi}"


    url = f"{short_doi.lower()}"

    params = {"type": "HS_ALIAS"}

    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    # response documentation at

    results = response.json()

    response_code = results.get("responseCode")  # Handle protocol response code

    if response_code == 100:

        raise ValueError(f"Handle not found. Double check short_doi: {short_doi}")

    if response_code == 200:

        raise ValueError(

            f"HS_ALIAS values not found. Double check short_doi: {short_doi}"


    if response_code != 1:

        raise ValueError(

            f"Error response code of {response_code} returned by {response.url}"


    values = results.get("values", [])

    for value in values:

        if value.get("type") == "HS_ALIAS":

            doi = value["data"]["value"]

            return doi.lower()

    raise RuntimeError(

        f'HS_ALIAS value not found by expand_short_doi("{short_doi}")\n'

        f"The following JSON was retrieved from {response.url}:\n"

        + json.dumps(results, indent=2)



def get_doi_csl_item(
    doi: str
View Source
    def wrapper(doi: str):

        doi = doi.lower()

        csl_item = function(doi)

        csl_item["DOI"] = doi

        csl_item["URL"] = f"{doi}"

        short_doi_url = get_short_doi_url(doi)

        if short_doi_url:

            csl_item["URL"] = short_doi_url



        except Exception:


                f"Error calling get_pubmed_ids_for_doi for {doi}", exc_info=True


        return csl_item


def get_doi_csl_item_datacite(
    doi: str

As of 2022-01, the DataCite Content Negotiation restricted

service to just DataCite DOIs, and began returning 404s for Crossref DOIs.

View Source
def get_doi_csl_item_datacite(doi: str):


    As of 2022-01, the DataCite Content Negotiation restricted

    service to just DataCite DOIs, and began returning 404s for Crossref DOIs.


    return _get_doi_csl_item_negotiation(doi, content_negotiation_url_datacite)


def get_doi_csl_item_default(
    doi: str
) content negotiation redirects to the content negotiation service of

the Registration Agency, e.g. Crossref or DataCite.

View Source
def get_doi_csl_item_default(doi: str):

    """ content negotiation redirects to the content negotiation service of

    the Registration Agency, e.g. Crossref or DataCite.


    return _get_doi_csl_item_negotiation(doi, content_negotiation_url_default)


def get_doi_csl_item_url(
    doi: str

Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.

This function converts the DOI to a URL that presumably resolves to the publisher's site. Zotero resolves and scrapes data from the resulting webpage.

View Source
def get_doi_csl_item_url(doi: str):


    Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.

    This function converts the DOI to a URL that presumably resolves to the publisher's site.

    Zotero resolves and scrapes data from the resulting webpage.


    from manubot.cite.url import get_url_csl_item_zotero

    return get_url_csl_item_zotero(f"{doi}")


def get_doi_csl_item_zotero(
    doi: str

Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.

View Source
def get_doi_csl_item_zotero(doi: str):


    Generate CSL JSON Data for a DOI using Zotero's translation-server.


    from manubot.cite.zotero import get_csl_item

    return get_csl_item(f"doi:{doi}")


def get_short_doi_url(
    doi: str
) -> Optional[str]

Get the shortDOI URL for a DOI.

View Source
def get_short_doi_url(doi: str) -> Optional[str]:


    Get the shortDOI URL for a DOI.


    quoted_doi = urllib.request.quote(doi)

    url = f"{quoted_doi}?format=json"

    headers = {"User-Agent": get_manubot_user_agent()}


        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()

        short_doi = response["ShortDOI"]

        short_url = "" + short_doi[3:]  # Remove "10/" prefix

        return short_url

    except Exception:

        logging.warning(f"shortDOI lookup failed for {doi}", exc_info=True)

        return None



class Handler_DOI(
    prefix_lower: str

A Handler is a class that provides support for a certain type of citekey.

For example, a Handler subclass could provide support for DOI citekeys. Subclasses enable custom logic for different citekey prefixes, including how to standardize the citekey and how to retrieve CSL Item metadata.

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class Handler_DOI(Handler):

    standard_prefix = "doi"

    prefixes = [




    accession_pattern = r"10\.[0-9]{4,9}/\S+"

    shortdoi_pattern = r"10/[a-zA-Z0-9]+"

    def inspect(self, citekey):

        identifier = citekey.accession

        if identifier.startswith("10."):


            if not self._get_pattern().fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the DOI regex. "

                    "Double check the DOI."


        elif identifier.startswith("10/"):

            # shortDOI, see

            if not self._get_pattern("shortdoi_pattern").fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the shortDOI regex. "

                    "Double check the shortDOI."



            return "DOIs must start with '10.' (or '10/' for shortDOIs)."

    def standardize_prefix_accession(self, accession):

        if accession.startswith("10/"):


                accession = expand_short_doi(accession)

            except Exception as error:

                # If DOI shortening fails, return the unshortened DOI.

                # DOI metadata lookup will eventually fail somewhere with

                # appropriate error handling, as opposed to here.


                    f"Error in expand_short_doi for {accession} "

                    f"due to a {error.__class__.__name__}:\n{error}"


      , exc_info=True)

        accession = accession.lower()

        return self.standard_prefix, accession

    def get_csl_item(self, citekey):

        return get_doi_csl_item(citekey.standard_accession)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • manubot.cite.handlers.Handler

Class variables




def get_csl_item(

Return a CSL_Item with bibliographic details for citekey.

View Source
    def get_csl_item(self, citekey):

        return get_doi_csl_item(citekey.standard_accession)


def inspect(

Check citekeys adhere to expected formats. If an issue is detected a

string describing the issue is returned. Otherwise returns None.

View Source
    def inspect(self, citekey):

        identifier = citekey.accession

        if identifier.startswith("10."):


            if not self._get_pattern().fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the DOI regex. "

                    "Double check the DOI."


        elif identifier.startswith("10/"):

            # shortDOI, see

            if not self._get_pattern("shortdoi_pattern").fullmatch(identifier):

                return (

                    "Identifier does not conform to the shortDOI regex. "

                    "Double check the shortDOI."



            return "DOIs must start with '10.' (or '10/' for shortDOIs)."


def standardize_prefix_accession(

Return (prefix, accession) in standardized form.

This method defaults to returning self.standard_prefix (or self.prefix_lower if standard_prefix is not defined). Subclasses can override this method with more specific standardization logic.

View Source
    def standardize_prefix_accession(self, accession):

        if accession.startswith("10/"):


                accession = expand_short_doi(accession)

            except Exception as error:

                # If DOI shortening fails, return the unshortened DOI.

                # DOI metadata lookup will eventually fail somewhere with

                # appropriate error handling, as opposed to here.


                    f"Error in expand_short_doi for {accession} "

                    f"due to a {error.__class__.__name__}:\n{error}"


      , exc_info=True)

        accession = accession.lower()

        return self.standard_prefix, accession