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Module manubot.process.metadata

Tools for manuscript metadata processing including thumbnail detection and processing.

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Tools for manuscript metadata processing including thumbnail detection and processing.


import functools

import logging

import pathlib

import subprocess

from typing import Optional

from urllib.parse import urljoin

def get_header_includes(variables: dict) -> str:


    Render `header-includes-template.html` using information from `variables`.


    from .util import template_with_jinja2

    path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("header-includes-template.html")


        template = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig")

        return template_with_jinja2(template, variables)

    except Exception:

        logging.exception("Error generating header-includes.")

        return ""

def get_thumbnail_url(thumbnail=None):


    Starting with a user-specified `thumbnail` as either a path, URL, or None,

    return an absolute URL pointing to the thumbnail image. If the provided `thumbnail`

    is a URL, return this URL unmodified. If `thumbnail` is None, search for `thumbnail.png`

    within the git repository from which this function is executed. If `thumbnail`

    is a local path, the path should be relative to root directory of the git repository

    it is located in. If a local path is provided or detected,

    it is converted to a GitHub raw URL.


    from manubot.util import is_http_url

    if not thumbnail:

        message = "get_thumbnail_url: thumbnail location not explicitly provided. "

        thumbnail = _find_thumbnail_path()

        message += (

            f"Thumbnail detected at {thumbnail!r}"

            if thumbnail

            else "No local thumbnail detected"



    elif is_http_url(thumbnail):

        logging.debug("provided thumbnail is a URL. Pass it through.")

        return thumbnail

    return _thumbnail_path_to_url(thumbnail)

def _find_thumbnail_path():


    If this this function is executed with a working directory that is inside a git repository,

    return the path to a `thumbnail.png` file located anywhere in that repository. Otherwise,

    return `None`.


    directory = git_repository_root()

    if not directory:

        return None

    paths = directory.glob("**/thumbnail.png")

    paths = [path.relative_to(directory) for path in paths]

    paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda x: (len(x.parents), x))

    if not paths:

        return None

    return paths[0].as_posix()

def _thumbnail_path_to_url(path):


    Convert a local thumbnail path (string) to an absolute URL using the GitHub

    repository location detected using `get_continuous_integration_parameters`.


    if not path:

        return None

    from .ci import get_continuous_integration_parameters

    info = get_continuous_integration_parameters()


        url = f"{info['repo_slug']}/raw/{info['triggering_commit']}/{path}"

    except (TypeError, KeyError):

        return None

    return url

def get_head_commit() -> Optional[str]:

    from manubot.util import shlex_join

    args = ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]


        return subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True).strip()

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:


            f"get_head_commit: {shlex_join(error.cmd)!r} returned exit code {error.returncode} "

            f"with the following stdout:\n{error.stdout}\n"

            f"And the following stderr:\n{error.stderr}"


        return None


def git_repository_root():


    Return the path to repository root directory or `None` if indeterminate.


    for cmd in (

        ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-superproject-working-tree"],

        ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],



            path = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True).rstrip("\r\n")

            if path:

                return pathlib.Path(path)

        except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):


    return None

def get_manuscript_urls(html_url: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:


    Return a dictionary with URLs for a manuscript.

    An example for a manuscript where all URLs get set, inferred from continuous integration environment variables, is:



        "html_url": "",

        "pdf_url": "",

        "html_url_versioned": "",

        "pdf_url_versioned": "",



    Provide `html_url` to set a custom domain.

    If `html_url=""`,

    the return dictionary will be like:



        "html_url": "",

        "pdf_url": "",

        "html_url_versioned": "",

        "pdf_url_versioned": "",



    Note the trailing `/` in `html_url`, which is required for proper functioning.


    import requests

    from .ci import get_continuous_integration_parameters

    urls = {}

    ci_params = get_continuous_integration_parameters()

    if html_url is None:

        if not ci_params:

            return urls

        html_url = "https://{repo_owner}{repo_name}/".format(**ci_params)

    urls["html_url"] = html_url

    urls["pdf_url"] = urljoin(html_url, "manuscript.pdf")

    if not ci_params:

        return urls

    urls["html_url_versioned"] = urljoin(html_url, "v/{commit}/".format(**ci_params))

    urls["pdf_url_versioned"] = urljoin(urls["html_url_versioned"], "manuscript.pdf")

    response = requests.head(html_url, allow_redirects=True)

    if not response.ok:


            "html_url is not web accessible. "

            f"{html_url} returned status code {response.status_code}. "

            "Ignore this warning if the manuscript has not yet been deployed for the first time. "


    if response.history:

            "html_url includes redirects. In order of oldest to most recent:\n"

            + "\n".join(x.url for x in response.history + [response])


    return urls

def get_software_versions(rootstock: bool = True) -> dict:


    Return a dictionary of software versions for softwares components:

    - manubot_version: the semantic version number of the manubot python package.

    - rootstock_commit: the version of the rootstock repository, as a commit hash,

      included in the manuscript repository.

    Values whose detection fails are set to None.

    The `rootstock` parameter controls whether to fetch the rootstock commit id.

    The rootstock git remote will be added to the local git repository if true.


    from manubot import __version__ as manubot_version

    return {

        "manubot_version": manubot_version,

        "rootstock_commit": get_rootstock_commit() if rootstock else None,


def get_rootstock_commit() -> Optional[str]:


    Return the most recent commit in common between the git repository

    this function is run within (usually a Manubot manuscript repository)

    and the `main` branch of the `rootstock` remote.

    WARNING: This function may modify the git repository its executed within:

    - if the repository has not set the `roostock` remote, it is set to

      point to the default Rootstock repository of <>.

    - fetches the latest commits in the `main` branch of the `rootstock` remote


    from manubot.util import shlex_join

    # add rootstock remote if remote is not already set

    rootstock_remote = ""

    args = ["git", "remote", "add", "rootstock", rootstock_remote]

    process =, capture_output=True)

    if process.returncode == 0:

            "get_rootstock_commit added a `rootstock` remote to the git repository."


    # find most recent common ancestor commit


        args = ["git", "fetch", "rootstock", "main"]

        subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

        args = ["git", "merge-base", "HEAD", "rootstock/main"]

        output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:


            f"get_rootstock_commit: {shlex_join(error.cmd)!r} returned exit code {error.returncode} "

            f"with the following stdout:\n{error.stdout}\n"

            f"And the following stderr:\n{error.stderr}"


        return None

    rootstock_commit = output.strip()

    return rootstock_commit



def get_head_commit(

) -> Optional[str]
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def get_head_commit() -> Optional[str]:

    from manubot.util import shlex_join

    args = ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]


        return subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True).strip()

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:


            f"get_head_commit: {shlex_join(error.cmd)!r} returned exit code {error.returncode} "

            f"with the following stdout:\n{error.stdout}\n"

            f"And the following stderr:\n{error.stderr}"


        return None


def get_header_includes(
    variables: dict
) -> str

Render header-includes-template.html using information from variables.

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def get_header_includes(variables: dict) -> str:


    Render `header-includes-template.html` using information from `variables`.


    from .util import template_with_jinja2

    path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("header-includes-template.html")


        template = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig")

        return template_with_jinja2(template, variables)

    except Exception:

        logging.exception("Error generating header-includes.")

        return ""


def get_manuscript_urls(
    html_url: Optional[str] = None
) -> dict

Return a dictionary with URLs for a manuscript.

An example for a manuscript where all URLs get set, inferred from continuous integration environment variables, is:

    "html_url": "",
    "pdf_url": "",
    "html_url_versioned": "",
    "pdf_url_versioned": "",

Provide html_url to set a custom domain. If html_url="", the return dictionary will be like:

    "html_url": "",
    "pdf_url": "",
    "html_url_versioned": "",
    "pdf_url_versioned": "",

Note the trailing / in html_url, which is required for proper functioning.

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def get_manuscript_urls(html_url: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:


    Return a dictionary with URLs for a manuscript.

    An example for a manuscript where all URLs get set, inferred from continuous integration environment variables, is:



        "html_url": "",

        "pdf_url": "",

        "html_url_versioned": "",

        "pdf_url_versioned": "",



    Provide `html_url` to set a custom domain.

    If `html_url=""`,

    the return dictionary will be like:



        "html_url": "",

        "pdf_url": "",

        "html_url_versioned": "",

        "pdf_url_versioned": "",



    Note the trailing `/` in `html_url`, which is required for proper functioning.


    import requests

    from .ci import get_continuous_integration_parameters

    urls = {}

    ci_params = get_continuous_integration_parameters()

    if html_url is None:

        if not ci_params:

            return urls

        html_url = "https://{repo_owner}{repo_name}/".format(**ci_params)

    urls["html_url"] = html_url

    urls["pdf_url"] = urljoin(html_url, "manuscript.pdf")

    if not ci_params:

        return urls

    urls["html_url_versioned"] = urljoin(html_url, "v/{commit}/".format(**ci_params))

    urls["pdf_url_versioned"] = urljoin(urls["html_url_versioned"], "manuscript.pdf")

    response = requests.head(html_url, allow_redirects=True)

    if not response.ok:


            "html_url is not web accessible. "

            f"{html_url} returned status code {response.status_code}. "

            "Ignore this warning if the manuscript has not yet been deployed for the first time. "


    if response.history:

            "html_url includes redirects. In order of oldest to most recent:\n"

            + "\n".join(x.url for x in response.history + [response])


    return urls


def get_rootstock_commit(

) -> Optional[str]

Return the most recent commit in common between the git repository

this function is run within (usually a Manubot manuscript repository) and the main branch of the rootstock remote.

WARNING: This function may modify the git repository its executed within:

  • if the repository has not set the roostock remote, it is set to point to the default Rootstock repository of
  • fetches the latest commits in the main branch of the rootstock remote
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def get_rootstock_commit() -> Optional[str]:


    Return the most recent commit in common between the git repository

    this function is run within (usually a Manubot manuscript repository)

    and the `main` branch of the `rootstock` remote.

    WARNING: This function may modify the git repository its executed within:

    - if the repository has not set the `roostock` remote, it is set to

      point to the default Rootstock repository of <>.

    - fetches the latest commits in the `main` branch of the `rootstock` remote


    from manubot.util import shlex_join

    # add rootstock remote if remote is not already set

    rootstock_remote = ""

    args = ["git", "remote", "add", "rootstock", rootstock_remote]

    process =, capture_output=True)

    if process.returncode == 0:

            "get_rootstock_commit added a `rootstock` remote to the git repository."


    # find most recent common ancestor commit


        args = ["git", "fetch", "rootstock", "main"]

        subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

        args = ["git", "merge-base", "HEAD", "rootstock/main"]

        output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:


            f"get_rootstock_commit: {shlex_join(error.cmd)!r} returned exit code {error.returncode} "

            f"with the following stdout:\n{error.stdout}\n"

            f"And the following stderr:\n{error.stderr}"


        return None

    rootstock_commit = output.strip()

    return rootstock_commit


def get_software_versions(
    rootstock: bool = True
) -> dict

Return a dictionary of software versions for softwares components:

  • manubot_version: the semantic version number of the manubot python package.
  • rootstock_commit: the version of the rootstock repository, as a commit hash, included in the manuscript repository.

Values whose detection fails are set to None.

The rootstock parameter controls whether to fetch the rootstock commit id. The rootstock git remote will be added to the local git repository if true.

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def get_software_versions(rootstock: bool = True) -> dict:


    Return a dictionary of software versions for softwares components:

    - manubot_version: the semantic version number of the manubot python package.

    - rootstock_commit: the version of the rootstock repository, as a commit hash,

      included in the manuscript repository.

    Values whose detection fails are set to None.

    The `rootstock` parameter controls whether to fetch the rootstock commit id.

    The rootstock git remote will be added to the local git repository if true.


    from manubot import __version__ as manubot_version

    return {

        "manubot_version": manubot_version,

        "rootstock_commit": get_rootstock_commit() if rootstock else None,



def get_thumbnail_url(

Starting with a user-specified thumbnail as either a path, URL, or None,

return an absolute URL pointing to the thumbnail image. If the provided thumbnail is a URL, return this URL unmodified. If thumbnail is None, search for thumbnail.png within the git repository from which this function is executed. If thumbnail is a local path, the path should be relative to root directory of the git repository it is located in. If a local path is provided or detected, it is converted to a GitHub raw URL.

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def get_thumbnail_url(thumbnail=None):


    Starting with a user-specified `thumbnail` as either a path, URL, or None,

    return an absolute URL pointing to the thumbnail image. If the provided `thumbnail`

    is a URL, return this URL unmodified. If `thumbnail` is None, search for `thumbnail.png`

    within the git repository from which this function is executed. If `thumbnail`

    is a local path, the path should be relative to root directory of the git repository

    it is located in. If a local path is provided or detected,

    it is converted to a GitHub raw URL.


    from manubot.util import is_http_url

    if not thumbnail:

        message = "get_thumbnail_url: thumbnail location not explicitly provided. "

        thumbnail = _find_thumbnail_path()

        message += (

            f"Thumbnail detected at {thumbnail!r}"

            if thumbnail

            else "No local thumbnail detected"



    elif is_http_url(thumbnail):

        logging.debug("provided thumbnail is a URL. Pass it through.")

        return thumbnail

    return _thumbnail_path_to_url(thumbnail)


def git_repository_root(


Return the path to repository root directory or None if indeterminate.

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def git_repository_root():


    Return the path to repository root directory or `None` if indeterminate.


    for cmd in (

        ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-superproject-working-tree"],

        ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"],



            path = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True).rstrip("\r\n")

            if path:

                return pathlib.Path(path)

        except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError):


    return None