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Module manubot.cite.tests.test_citeproc

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import json

import pathlib

import pytest

from manubot.cite.citeproc import remove_jsonschema_errors

directory = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent

csl_instances = [ for x in directory.glob("csl-json/*-csl")]

def load_json(path):

    return json.loads(path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig"))

def test_json_is_readable_on_windows_in_different_oem_encoding():

    name = "crossref-deep-review-csl"

    path = directory / "csl-json" / name / "raw.json"

    content = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig")

    assert content

    json1 = load_json(path)

    assert json1

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", csl_instances)

def test_remove_jsonschema_errors(name):


    Tests whether CSL pruning of raw.json produces the expected pruned.json.

    The fidelity of the remove_jsonschema_errors implementation is

    difficult to assess theoretically, therefore its performance should be

    evaluated empirically with thorough test coverage. It is recommended that

    all conceivable conformations of invalid CSL that citeproc methods may

    generate be tested.

    To create a new test case, derive pruned.json from raw.json, by manually

    deleting any invalid fields. Do not use `manubot cite` to directly generate

    pruned.json as that also relies on remove_jsonschema_errors for pruning.


    data_dir = directory / "csl-json" / name

    raw = load_json(data_dir / "raw.json")

    expected = load_json(data_dir / "pruned.json")

    pruned = remove_jsonschema_errors(raw)

    assert pruned == expected





def load_json(
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def load_json(path):

    return json.loads(path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig"))


def test_json_is_readable_on_windows_in_different_oem_encoding(

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def test_json_is_readable_on_windows_in_different_oem_encoding():

    name = "crossref-deep-review-csl"

    path = directory / "csl-json" / name / "raw.json"

    content = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8-sig")

    assert content

    json1 = load_json(path)

    assert json1


def test_remove_jsonschema_errors(

Tests whether CSL pruning of raw.json produces the expected pruned.json.

The fidelity of the remove_jsonschema_errors implementation is difficult to assess theoretically, therefore its performance should be evaluated empirically with thorough test coverage. It is recommended that all conceivable conformations of invalid CSL that citeproc methods may generate be tested.

To create a new test case, derive pruned.json from raw.json, by manually deleting any invalid fields. Do not use manubot cite to directly generate pruned.json as that also relies on remove_jsonschema_errors for pruning.

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@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", csl_instances)

def test_remove_jsonschema_errors(name):


    Tests whether CSL pruning of raw.json produces the expected pruned.json.

    The fidelity of the remove_jsonschema_errors implementation is

    difficult to assess theoretically, therefore its performance should be

    evaluated empirically with thorough test coverage. It is recommended that

    all conceivable conformations of invalid CSL that citeproc methods may

    generate be tested.

    To create a new test case, derive pruned.json from raw.json, by manually

    deleting any invalid fields. Do not use `manubot cite` to directly generate

    pruned.json as that also relies on remove_jsonschema_errors for pruning.


    data_dir = directory / "csl-json" / name

    raw = load_json(data_dir / "raw.json")

    expected = load_json(data_dir / "pruned.json")

    pruned = remove_jsonschema_errors(raw)

    assert pruned == expected